Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I feel so bad!
Oh My Goodness!!! I haven't blogged in ALONG time... Scratch that... Way TOO long :). Here's an update I'm jumping back on the horse! If I don't have a new episode up this week, you (my loyal readers) need to leave me a reminder/scolding comment. Help me out here guys I'm ganna try.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Everyone has heroes... Well at least everyone I know. I myself have had quite a few over the years, but not the TV star kind. More like the people in my class at school kind, now I've found idolizing anyone but God is a waste of time :).
Jimmy Barklay's got a hero, his is basketball all star Lighting Livingston. And guess what??? Lighting has opened a new sports store in Odyssey! But not everyone is happy about it :(. Frank Malone, a reporter for The Odyssey Times (The main newspaper of Odyssey), is looking for the story behind Lightning's "early" retirement; he wont stop till he gets it.
But Lightning doesn't let that phase him, he opens basketball camps for the kids of Odyssey and is a great role model for Jimmy. Lightning and Jimmy become close friends, but the question is still up in the air: why did Lightning retire so early? Are the rumors true, was it a drug problem? The search goes on unknown to Jimmy, until it boils over and the truth comes out... (DAR DA DA AAA).
Jimmy's done with sticking up for people "forever" or so he says. Lightning is convinced he has to pull his reputation out of the dump. He's just recently become a christian, you see. Thanks to a radio space Lightnings able to convince most of the town, but Jimmy wasn't listening. So when Jimmy gets home he's got a surprise waiting for him. It takes plenty of time, but Lightning finally breaks the ice. By the end it sounds like Melvin "Lightning" Livingston and Jimmy Barklay are ganna be friends for quite a while :),
What's the lesson??? NO one's perfect. At all. Period. :)
That and DON'T DO DRUGS!
Jimmy Barklay's got a hero, his is basketball all star Lighting Livingston. And guess what??? Lighting has opened a new sports store in Odyssey! But not everyone is happy about it :(. Frank Malone, a reporter for The Odyssey Times (The main newspaper of Odyssey), is looking for the story behind Lightning's "early" retirement; he wont stop till he gets it.
But Lightning doesn't let that phase him, he opens basketball camps for the kids of Odyssey and is a great role model for Jimmy. Lightning and Jimmy become close friends, but the question is still up in the air: why did Lightning retire so early? Are the rumors true, was it a drug problem? The search goes on unknown to Jimmy, until it boils over and the truth comes out... (DAR DA DA AAA).
Jimmy's done with sticking up for people "forever" or so he says. Lightning is convinced he has to pull his reputation out of the dump. He's just recently become a christian, you see. Thanks to a radio space Lightnings able to convince most of the town, but Jimmy wasn't listening. So when Jimmy gets home he's got a surprise waiting for him. It takes plenty of time, but Lightning finally breaks the ice. By the end it sounds like Melvin "Lightning" Livingston and Jimmy Barklay are ganna be friends for quite a while :),
What's the lesson??? NO one's perfect. At all. Period. :)
That and DON'T DO DRUGS!
Mike Makes Right
SO GUESS WHAT??? I started a second blog yesterday, check it out the link is number one on my NEW list of blogs on the left... Check out the others while your at it!
Well there's a bully at Mike's (voiced by David Griffen) school who likes to beat up kids just for fun. Mike doesn't like it at all, but regrets it when he stands up for someone and ends up in a fight he didn't volunteer for. The bully Billy Barton is so confident he must not have been thinking because in a STUNNING turn of events Mike comes out victorious by way of a lucky punch.
At first Mike thinks nothing of it, but by the end of the day he's had enough attention that it goes to Mike's head. Mike's the new school bully within a week. But there's something every bully should know.... There's always someone stronger! When Mike gets punched out by the new kid in school, there's a stunning reality check :). What's the lesson?
I'm no telling you! You tell me leave it in the comments.
(If you don't have a user check 'leave as name/URL' the URL is optional... or if you want to tic me off check 'leave as anonymous' :) )
Well there's a bully at Mike's (voiced by David Griffen) school who likes to beat up kids just for fun. Mike doesn't like it at all, but regrets it when he stands up for someone and ends up in a fight he didn't volunteer for. The bully Billy Barton is so confident he must not have been thinking because in a STUNNING turn of events Mike comes out victorious by way of a lucky punch.
At first Mike thinks nothing of it, but by the end of the day he's had enough attention that it goes to Mike's head. Mike's the new school bully within a week. But there's something every bully should know.... There's always someone stronger! When Mike gets punched out by the new kid in school, there's a stunning reality check :). What's the lesson?
I'm no telling you! You tell me leave it in the comments.
(If you don't have a user check 'leave as name/URL' the URL is optional... or if you want to tic me off check 'leave as anonymous' :) )
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Character Update: Albums 1 & 2
John Avery Whitaker (Hal Smith) - Whit to us, Mr. Whitaker to everyone else; Whit owns a popular ice cream shop and discovery emporium, Whit's End. Whit is a very wise christian; nurturing to all he meets and comes in contact with.
Connie Kendall (Katie Leigh) - A high schooler from CA who works at Whit's End. She's not a christian yet, but Whit's working one her.
Tom Riley (Walker Edminston) - A famer, baseball coach and city councilman. Tom's Whit's best friend and a town favorite.
Rodney Rathbone (Steve Burns) - Odyssey's resident bully, has lots to learn and is not willing to learn it.
Bart Rathbone (Walker Edminston) - We don't know much, but he's Rodney's dad.
Lucy Cunningham-Shultz (Genesis (Mullen) Long) - A frequent visitor to Whit's End, a favorite of all who meet her.
Jack Davis (Donald Long) - Well this boy could use some help, but he's a whole lot of fun.
Goerge Barklay (Chuck Bolte) - The head of the Barklay family, George likes to do it himself, but can't :).
Mary Barklay (Maggie Malooly) - Mother of the Barklay kids.
Jimmy Barklay (David Griffen)- Youngest of the 2 children, immature, but he's getting there.
Donna Barklay (Azure Janosky) - Older Barklay child, 12 years old, rather on the girly side.
Connie Kendall (Katie Leigh) - A high schooler from CA who works at Whit's End. She's not a christian yet, but Whit's working one her.
Tom Riley (Walker Edminston) - A famer, baseball coach and city councilman. Tom's Whit's best friend and a town favorite.
Rodney Rathbone (Steve Burns) - Odyssey's resident bully, has lots to learn and is not willing to learn it.
Bart Rathbone (Walker Edminston) - We don't know much, but he's Rodney's dad.
Lucy Cunningham-Shultz (Genesis (Mullen) Long) - A frequent visitor to Whit's End, a favorite of all who meet her.
Jack Davis (Donald Long) - Well this boy could use some help, but he's a whole lot of fun.
Goerge Barklay (Chuck Bolte) - The head of the Barklay family, George likes to do it himself, but can't :).
Mary Barklay (Maggie Malooly) - Mother of the Barklay kids.
Jimmy Barklay (David Griffen)- Youngest of the 2 children, immature, but he's getting there.
Donna Barklay (Azure Janosky) - Older Barklay child, 12 years old, rather on the girly side.
Rumor Has It
Jack and Lucy are back in another mixed-up twisted-up story.
What would you do if a new family moved in on your street, but no one knew them. And there were some weird things about them.
The Father is often spotted at 4:30 in the morning with a GIANT bag over his shoulder
The Mother never talks to anyone even if they talk to her, she just walks away
The Boy doesn't go to school and kids often see him staring at them out his bedroom window
That's what happens to Jack and Lucy now that the Kierban family has moved to Odyssey. At first both Jack and Lucy are sucked into the gossip and rumors about the family. Then the boy John starts going to school. Then Jack and Lucy go there seperate ways. Lucy takes Whit's advise and trys to befriend John; Jack decides to uncover the mystery.
Lucy's atempts go badly, but Jack's go worse. Jack decides to try and catch the father at 4:30 in the morning with the bag. So he starts spying and gets caught... Jack's friend on his walkie-talkie calls the police, OUCH! The truth is uncovered.
The Father is a carpet maker who takes his HUGE rugs to Conellsville (a close city) to a warehouse that opens at 6:00am
The Mother speaks little to NO english and instead of trying to communicate and fail she doesn't try
The boy is homeschooled but he watched Lucy and Jack walk to school every day and wanted to go so against his father's will went to school
I liked this episode alot but it was a little bit creapy.
What would you do if a new family moved in on your street, but no one knew them. And there were some weird things about them.
The Father is often spotted at 4:30 in the morning with a GIANT bag over his shoulder
The Mother never talks to anyone even if they talk to her, she just walks away
The Boy doesn't go to school and kids often see him staring at them out his bedroom window
That's what happens to Jack and Lucy now that the Kierban family has moved to Odyssey. At first both Jack and Lucy are sucked into the gossip and rumors about the family. Then the boy John starts going to school. Then Jack and Lucy go there seperate ways. Lucy takes Whit's advise and trys to befriend John; Jack decides to uncover the mystery.
Lucy's atempts go badly, but Jack's go worse. Jack decides to try and catch the father at 4:30 in the morning with the bag. So he starts spying and gets caught... Jack's friend on his walkie-talkie calls the police, OUCH! The truth is uncovered.
The Father is a carpet maker who takes his HUGE rugs to Conellsville (a close city) to a warehouse that opens at 6:00am
The Mother speaks little to NO english and instead of trying to communicate and fail she doesn't try
The boy is homeschooled but he watched Lucy and Jack walk to school every day and wanted to go so against his father's will went to school
I liked this episode alot but it was a little bit creapy.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Last Great Adventure of the Summer
This is one of my favorites, I've always wanted to work for the government and this episode gives you a first hand account of a CIA agent.
Terri Johnston has had a BORING summer. His dad never lets him do anything... It's been like this ever since his mom passed away. But things are about to change. The first time all summer he's been to Whit's End, regular visit nothing special... Untill, on his way out Terri and his dad George are stopped by a big man in black gloves. Terri doesn't understand it, the man calls his dad Cat's Paw? Why? Before Terri has time to think, they're on the run:
In the car
At the train station
Running through the crowd
Lost him
Getting locked in a train car
Terri and George are stuck. During the long train ride, Terri learns that his father is a CIA agent and has been Terri's whole life. The man in the black gloves (Nigel) works for a company that sells international military secrets to the highest bidder.
As the train docks in Manhatten, NY Terri and George are supprised by sleeping gas! They wake up on a plane going to London, Nigel in the Cockpit. George is carrying the 5th part of a formula critical to national security, and Nigel's boss Maxime wants it.
Maxime's house is quite a doozee, hundreds of fish tanks, shell casings from World War II and lots of terrorists. Terri witnesses his father getting threatened by Maxime and can't take it anymore; they get an oportunity for escape and end up on the roof. Scotland Yard to the rescue! But not without cost when Nigel finds out he has failed, he pushes George off the roof! Nigel is carried to jail thinking he has defeated Cat's Paw. But he is not victorious Terri is supprised to find George landed on a scafoled controlled by two of the U.S. finest agents.
There is one hazard of getting involved with the CIA, you can't tell anyone!
Terri Johnston has had a BORING summer. His dad never lets him do anything... It's been like this ever since his mom passed away. But things are about to change. The first time all summer he's been to Whit's End, regular visit nothing special... Untill, on his way out Terri and his dad George are stopped by a big man in black gloves. Terri doesn't understand it, the man calls his dad Cat's Paw? Why? Before Terri has time to think, they're on the run:
In the car
At the train station
Running through the crowd
Lost him
Getting locked in a train car
Terri and George are stuck. During the long train ride, Terri learns that his father is a CIA agent and has been Terri's whole life. The man in the black gloves (Nigel) works for a company that sells international military secrets to the highest bidder.
As the train docks in Manhatten, NY Terri and George are supprised by sleeping gas! They wake up on a plane going to London, Nigel in the Cockpit. George is carrying the 5th part of a formula critical to national security, and Nigel's boss Maxime wants it.
Maxime's house is quite a doozee, hundreds of fish tanks, shell casings from World War II and lots of terrorists. Terri witnesses his father getting threatened by Maxime and can't take it anymore; they get an oportunity for escape and end up on the roof. Scotland Yard to the rescue! But not without cost when Nigel finds out he has failed, he pushes George off the roof! Nigel is carried to jail thinking he has defeated Cat's Paw. But he is not victorious Terri is supprised to find George landed on a scafoled controlled by two of the U.S. finest agents.
There is one hazard of getting involved with the CIA, you can't tell anyone!
Return to the Bible Room
Well a title that's a little bit vague as I don't remember being in the Bible Room before, but a great episode none the less.
Enter Jack Davis and Lucy Cunningham-Sholtz; two kids with OPPOSITE personalities, Lucy- responsible and intelligent, Jack-reckless and ignorant. Sounds like a great mix... Don't you think??? Add to the recipe a room full of fun and truth and one of Whit's great stories. Throw in some imagination and Jack and Lucy end up in a mixed-up twisted-up story of Jonah and the Whale. Thought it was bad enough as is when Jack and Lucy are caught on board the ship and thrown over board with Jonah. That's just the start... Mess-ups and Meyham follow Jack and Lucy no matter where they are. And it just gets worse :(.
A great lesson learned about Jonah and the truth. It's really funny too :).
Enter Jack Davis and Lucy Cunningham-Sholtz; two kids with OPPOSITE personalities, Lucy- responsible and intelligent, Jack-reckless and ignorant. Sounds like a great mix... Don't you think??? Add to the recipe a room full of fun and truth and one of Whit's great stories. Throw in some imagination and Jack and Lucy end up in a mixed-up twisted-up story of Jonah and the Whale. Thought it was bad enough as is when Jack and Lucy are caught on board the ship and thrown over board with Jonah. That's just the start... Mess-ups and Meyham follow Jack and Lucy no matter where they are. And it just gets worse :(.
A great lesson learned about Jonah and the truth. It's really funny too :).
Monday, September 7, 2009
Camp Wut-a-Nut I & II
Odyssey's favorite summer camp is in session and a whole cast of characters shows up!
Donny McKoy: a young, short camper ready for his first year at camp (narrator)
Gloria McKoy: Danny's older sister, girly and expirienced camper
Ned Lewis: 16 years old teaches arts and crafts (we'll hear more of him in VBS Blues)
Marco: Italian, camp cook, doesn't speak good english
Chaz: Cocky, mean, rich
With all these new characters and Whit a camp story to remember takes off! This is kind of a 3 part story, so we'll take it one at a time.
First, Donny isn't doing great at camp Chaz picks on him relentlessly for his height, size etc. Whit notices this and takes Donny to his favorite spot in the woods, where he often feeds deer, but this time a new resident is in the clearing. A mother bear... she chases Donny and Whit through the woods and up a tree. Once she FINALLY leaves Whit and Donny realize they don't know where they are, and go on to get very lost.
Meanwhile Chaz and Marco don't hit it off great... Chaz desides to request special food from Marco because Chaz's father owns some of the camp. Marco of coarse does not comply and sprays Chaz with water. Chaz and his lack of self control decide to get revenge. The opportunity presents it self when a skunk is spotted outside Chaz's cabin. Chaz decides to lead the skunk to Marco's cabin so Marco will get some "skunk aftershave". But to quote Marco when you go for revenge you have to dig two graves. Guess who ends up getting sprayed.
While ALL this is going on Gloria is in Ned's class and whiteling a heart. Ned thinks nothing of it untill he gets in a package and reads the initials-- NL + GM. Is Gloria in love with Ned?
You want the answers... you listen! This episode is great with some humor and adventure included.
Donny McKoy: a young, short camper ready for his first year at camp (narrator)
Gloria McKoy: Danny's older sister, girly and expirienced camper
Ned Lewis: 16 years old teaches arts and crafts (we'll hear more of him in VBS Blues)
Marco: Italian, camp cook, doesn't speak good english
Chaz: Cocky, mean, rich
With all these new characters and Whit a camp story to remember takes off! This is kind of a 3 part story, so we'll take it one at a time.
First, Donny isn't doing great at camp Chaz picks on him relentlessly for his height, size etc. Whit notices this and takes Donny to his favorite spot in the woods, where he often feeds deer, but this time a new resident is in the clearing. A mother bear... she chases Donny and Whit through the woods and up a tree. Once she FINALLY leaves Whit and Donny realize they don't know where they are, and go on to get very lost.
Meanwhile Chaz and Marco don't hit it off great... Chaz desides to request special food from Marco because Chaz's father owns some of the camp. Marco of coarse does not comply and sprays Chaz with water. Chaz and his lack of self control decide to get revenge. The opportunity presents it self when a skunk is spotted outside Chaz's cabin. Chaz decides to lead the skunk to Marco's cabin so Marco will get some "skunk aftershave". But to quote Marco when you go for revenge you have to dig two graves. Guess who ends up getting sprayed.
While ALL this is going on Gloria is in Ned's class and whiteling a heart. Ned thinks nothing of it untill he gets in a package and reads the initials-- NL + GM. Is Gloria in love with Ned?
You want the answers... you listen! This episode is great with some humor and adventure included.
I'm Still New at This
I'm really sorry, but looking through my early AIO episodes (which are on tape) and finding that my cases aren't full. :( I'm missing more tham a few episodes so if you're looking through your episode lists and I'm missing a few reviews I'm really sorry I'll try to catch up, honestly. As soon as I get the episodes I'll review them. :)
Kids Radio
Well I'm back from a 3 day vacation and 14 episodes behind so I'm ganna plow through!
The kids in Odyssey are ready for a change and who do they go to?..... WHIT, of course! And so starts the KYDS: kids radio project led by Brad. It's great! All the kids volunteer to do parts and pieces of running they're own radio station... at first. But then they bow out and the whole project is left to Brad and his loyal side-kick Sherman. Can they pull it off?!? Not for very long, on the edge of exhastion with almost no listeners, they quit :(. But I don't think the ideas gone for good.
Since I first heard this episode I've wanted to start my own radio station, and maybe I will one of these days. The episode overall is fun and inspiring and it's real life, what would you do if you were in Brad's shoes?
The kids in Odyssey are ready for a change and who do they go to?..... WHIT, of course! And so starts the KYDS: kids radio project led by Brad. It's great! All the kids volunteer to do parts and pieces of running they're own radio station... at first. But then they bow out and the whole project is left to Brad and his loyal side-kick Sherman. Can they pull it off?!? Not for very long, on the edge of exhastion with almost no listeners, they quit :(. But I don't think the ideas gone for good.
Since I first heard this episode I've wanted to start my own radio station, and maybe I will one of these days. The episode overall is fun and inspiring and it's real life, what would you do if you were in Brad's shoes?
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