Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Return to the Bible Room

Well a title that's a little bit vague as I don't remember being in the Bible Room before, but a great episode none the less.

Enter Jack Davis and Lucy Cunningham-Sholtz; two kids with OPPOSITE personalities, Lucy- responsible and intelligent, Jack-reckless and ignorant. Sounds like a great mix... Don't you think??? Add to the recipe a room full of fun and truth and one of Whit's great stories. Throw in some imagination and Jack and Lucy end up in a mixed-up twisted-up story of Jonah and the Whale. Thought it was bad enough as is when Jack and Lucy are caught on board the ship and thrown over board with Jonah. That's just the start... Mess-ups and Meyham follow Jack and Lucy no matter where they are. And it just gets worse :(.

A great lesson learned about Jonah and the truth. It's really funny too :).

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