Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I feel so bad!

Oh My Goodness!!! I haven't blogged in ALONG time... Scratch that... Way TOO long :). Here's an update I'm jumping back on the horse! If I don't have a new episode up this week, you (my loyal readers) need to leave me a reminder/scolding comment. Help me out here guys I'm ganna try.


Toni said...

Sometimes other things become a priority and rightfully so. Things like school, ffamily, pets and frinds . These are all very good things to focus on.
Enjoyed the time I spent with you this weekend. Sorry that you could not join us on saturday.
love, Nana

i trust in christ said...

HEY KK I THINK THIS IS FUNNY BECAUSE I PUT A POST LIKE THIS ON My blog a while ago and so did nan. well i have a new post i think you should read about swine flu well school started again today for me but i hope we can both keep up with our blogs